ReInHerit aspires to disrupt the current status quo of communication, collaboration and innovation exchange between museums and cultural heritage sites, in a sense that it will connect cultural heritage collections and sites, and present Europe’s tangible and intangible heritage to citizens and tourists in their wider historical and geographical contexts.
The ReInHerit project is proposing a very innovative model of sustainable heritage management, through which a dynamic network will be born; this network comprised of cultural heritage professionals, innovation and cultural heritage solution tech experts, researchers, national museums, regional and local museums, and representative managers of Heritage Label sites. ReInHerit is also supported externally, by relevant municipalities, regional and local museums, which will also enhance the communication and cooperation of the cultural heritage sector across the EU and beyond.
The ReInHerit proposed model will be based on the development of a digital cultural heritage ecosystem, where all the key stakeholders (museums, heritage sites, policy makers, professionals and communities) will have an open and collaborative space to experiment, share and innovate. This will be achieved through the creation of an innovative Digital Hub. Tools and resources (on training, tourism, conservation, preservation, knowledge creation, content use/reuse, illicit trafficking of goods) necessary for sustainable management will be shared through the digital platform that will host the ecosystem. This ecosystem will also be the experiential open-ended space that will support and generate entrepreneurial initiatives, knowledge produced through co-creation, curation of digital content and visitor experiences.
The proposed work plan includes a variety of key activities that will enable the collaboration of museums and cultural heritage sites, real-time.
The proposed project is expected to bring together an interdisciplinary group of organizations and their professionals and lay the foundations for the continuation of their collaboration and future participation either within EU funded research programmes, such as “Horizon Europe” and “Creative Europe”, thus actively contributing to the better alignment of national activities and policies. The Partner Organisations will be involved in the field of digital humanities and social sciences, smart tourism, preservation and conservation of heritage, – all assets that will give them a new dynamic, hence make them more competitive, by developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global cultural sectors. The application of new technologies in cultural collections represent a significant step forward for the cultural organisations, as is the preservation, conservation and viability of the cultural material. In addition, the Consortium and its recommended objectives will add value to both the professional and the scientific field, as they will provide a model for developing smart tools for the benefit of the society and the economy at national and international level.