About this Organization
The School of Law of the University of Nicosia is the largest School of Law in Cyprus. It provides three paths of teaching (EU, Greek (roman law tradition) and Cypriot law (Anglosaxon tradition)). The general aims of the University are:
- The promotion of science, knowledge, learning and education, through teaching and research for the benefit of society;
- The cultivation, transmission, application and inter-disciplinary exchange of knowledge, and
- The provision of high-quality undergraduate and graduate education that is internationally recognised, and of other programmes of study, which are of an international standard.
Research at the School of Law focuses on a variety of global, EU and local issues in all fields of law. It also focusses on interdisciplinary research. Issues of research include culture in general as well as more specific issues such as cultural diversity, protection of cultural heritage, repatriation, digitization of cultural subject matter, and so on.
Research takes into account the promotion of the various fields of law as well as issues that pertain to the contribution to professionalism/training as well as to the contribution to society.
Team Members
Prof. Achilles C. Emilianides is a practicing advocate, Professor of Law and Dean of the School of Law of the University of Nicosia. He holds a PhD in Law from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has taught and practiced in all fields of civil, public and commercial law. He is a Founding Member and Secretary-General of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts. He has also been elected as an ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and is a member of ALLEA (All European Academies) representing the Cyprus Academy. He is also the President of the Royal Commonwealth Society Cyprus Branch, and of the Center of Scientific Dialogue and Research.