Work Packages
Work packages of ReInHerit
Work Package Deliverables
The overall objective of WP1 is to organise all project activities in order for the project to be delivered under the proposed timeline, adhering to high-quality standards and within the budgetary limits set in this proposal. Moreover, the HO acting as a Project Coordinator (PC) will aim to comply with all the rules and regulations set out in the signed Grant Agreement, and within the Horizon2020 Programme framework.
The specific objectives of this WP are: -to organise the project’s tasks, outlining clearly team roles, resources, and explaining how to achieve the relevant milestones promised in the signed Grant Agreement by means of an Operational Plan -to prepare the communication guidelines under which the project team will receive clear communication procedures, both with internal and external members involved in the project, by means of a Communication Plan -to draft an actionable Risk Management Strategy, which will serve as a guide in case the project faces a viable risk, but importantly to outline all possible risks and mitigation plans, thus avoiding this unlikely occurrence during the project duration.
A relevant Risk Management Plan will be developed -to prepare the ReInHerit’s financial guidelines, which will set out clearly the financial rules of the Grant Agreement, and importantly outline budgetary limits, and reporting periods, thus achieving an effective financial management of the project, by means of a Risk Management Plan - to organise proactively the reporting strategy by delivering the relevant Reporting Templates, and provide the interim and final reports to the European Commission according to the set deadlines in the Grant Agreement - to draft a highly proactive Quality Assurance Strategy which will ensure the highest level of quality of the project deliverables in a timely manner, justified by delivering a Quality Assurance Plan -to prepare the project’s Data Management Plan & IPR management strategy, by means of a Data Management Plan & IPR Management Plan
The overall objective of WP2 is to develop a Needs Analysis Report based on mapping of the current state of the affairs in the management of the Cultural Heritage (CH) sector. This initial research is essential, since the consortium needs to define the current state-of-the-art in the sector as a whole, examining specifically the communication mode between museums and cultural heritage sites, thus identifying bottlenecks and opportunities at the same time.
The consortium is highly interested to reveal the challenges in the current mode of communication between museums and cultural heritage sites. Aligned with the Call priorities, the consortium, through this WP, will also reveal the current needs for new technologies, materials, management tools, legal solutions, IPR management, financing instruments and visitors’ and community involvement, in order to cover these needs with tools developed consequently in the ReInHerit project.
The primary research to be applied, will importantly provide an agenda with key research and innovation challenges for European museums and heritage sites for Horizon Europe. The mapping will be achieved by applying research technics such as focus groups, questionnaires, and desk research, in order to get both quantitative & qualitative data, which can be then further analysed and compiled into the relevant CH Management Guidelines Report. The specific objectives of this WP are: -to perform a systematic data collection process, focused on primary & secondary data collection methods which will result to the current state-of-the-art report -to develop the state-of-the-art report utilising quantitative & qualitative analysis of the data collected -to synthesize the data analysis results, that can be interpreted in the CH Management Guidelines Report -to draft the final CH Management Guidelines Report
The overall objective of WP3 is to develop the various tools that will comprise the ReInHerit innovative Toolkit. The consortium’s aim is to research on current tools & methods of communication & collaboration between museums and cultural heritage sites, in order to identify a useful gap that the ReInHerit Toolkit can address.
The consortium will develop a set of innovative tools & practices that will disrupt the current status quo of museums-cultural heritage sites communication and collaboration. In addition to this, our aim will be also to build methodological approaches as to the usage of Cultural Heritage, on a local, regional or international level, as a teaching medium, identifying clearly the role of museums, exhibitions and heritage sites/landscapes as means of educational content. E.g. personalization is viewed as a factor in enabling museums to change from “talking to the visitor” to “talking with the visitors”, turning a monologue to a dialogue, co-creation of content with users stimulates their participation and creativity, creating wider connections with new audiences, solutions that help to create users collaborative narratives allow to follow the “Visitor Journey theory”, according to which the experience of the visit begins before visitors cross the museum entrance and goes on after they exit.
From these methodological approaches we will design common curricula under the ReInHerit project, sensitive to local specificities, emphasizing on the development of content which will enhance and strengthen the knowledge and innovation transfer amongst the professionals in the cultural heritage field. Lastly, the content will be also addressed to other target groups such as children, youngsters and adults so as the content becomes immediately accessible to all. The specific objectives of this WP are: -to perform national surveys on the current state-of-the-art for communication, collaboration and engagement methods -to prepare a consolidated brief report on current available tools, technologies and design practices -to prepare the ReInHerit toolkit strategy -to develop all the ReInHerit toolkit digital tools o mobile applications for education (game based & AI for adults & kids) o webinars (conservation/preservation) -to develop the physical training (addressed to the professionals): webinars, mobility/professional training and a workshop which addresses the needs of all relevant stakeholders.
The overall objective of WP4 is to create an innovative Digital Hub, which will disrupt the current status quo of communication, collaboration, and innovation transfer between museums, cultural heritage sites, cultural heritage professionals, and relevant stakeholders.
The hub will enhance the connections between cultural institutions, heritage sites, and tourist organisations, as well as offering new ways of accessing and representing local cultural offer and stimulating public participation and engagement with cultural heritage. In doing so, it will address all challenges set out in Ch. 1 for a sustainable CH management model in terms of audience reach, co-creation of cultural content, use of digital media, training and so on by developing and embedding the ReInHerit Toolkit, E-shop and Apps.
Thus, the digital platform will include two facets: one for relevant sector professionals and one for the broader public. On the one hand, professionals will be able to connect around shared content, events, and themes increasing both networking and exchanges across institutions; on the other hand, professionals will also be able to quickly share their content and reach out to broader audiences, engage new users and develop creative and accessible content for education, smart tourism, and leisure.
The possibility of liaising, sharing, and discussing engagement initiatives with peers in a safe hub, prior to promoting them to a broader audience through the same platform will facilitate a seamless integration of collaboration and public activities. The hub will therefore increase collaboration (especially in preparing such activities), marketing (in sharing them through the same platform), and public participation (constituting the hub as a central point for regional cultural offer).
Within the context of this work package, the consortium will also develop a set of tools to be integrated in the digital hub that will formulate a new methodology for creating immersive musical performances using new interactive technologies. The use of immersive technologies in live performances has a long and rich history, especially within the interactive art domains, where technology is used for real-time generation and display of audio- visual content in response to the live performers using various sensors and motion capture techniques .“Interactive systems” although being a very generic term, within the context of immersive technologies in performing arts, can be simplified into a three-stage framework:
1) The data collection stage from input devices such as motion capture, haptic devices and sensory clusters,
2) The transformation of data stage and input/output mapping and
3) The output stage depending on the performing task (e.g. audio / visual). The end result of this very crucial WP will be a revolutionary platform never experienced in the sector before.
The specific objectives of this WP are: -to develop the ReInHerit innovative Digital Hub -to develop the core functionalities for introducing Immersive Performances -to outline the management policies of all the above
Aligned with the goal to boost skills in the cultural heritage professions, as per the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage, launched by the European Commission to ensure the legacy of the European Year beyond 2018, our team is emphasizing on the development of these skills through mobility exchanges and the composition of a Best Practices Guide, which will be a result of the learning and training activities to take this place in WP5.
The overall objective of WP5 is to create a Handbook for Professionals and the Best Practices Guide that will enhance the knowledge and skills of the consortium on key topics such as communication & collaboration, conservation/preservation etc. Moreover, a key deliverable of WP5 will be the composition of a guide which will include the key project takeaways that related to the implications of the EU R&I Agenda for Horizon Europe.
The WP5 specific objectives are: -to host a big mobility event to a leader EU organisation which applies effective cultural management procedures -to develop the handbook for cultural heritage professionals -to develop a Best Practices Guide
The purpose of WP6 is to promote the pilot phase of the project, which will be tested through the sharing of collections between the museums participating in the consortium. Since our consortium includes representatives from museums, tech experts, cultural tourism policy makers, and researchers, the collections sharing activities, will be a common experience and lesson for everyone participating in ReInHerit.
The pilot phase (through collections sharing and exhibitions) will prove how effective collaboration & communication can be achieved in the sector, and whether the proposed ReInHerit sustainability model is valid.
Key conclusions from this project phase, will provide meaningful data for the project’s final report recommendations’ section, on how to promote effective sustainability practices in the sector.
WP6 specific objectives are:
to organise the ReInHerit pilot phase;
to host Travelling Collections shared by all museums participating in the project;
to host and share on the Digital Hub, the museum’s Digital Collections promoted by all partners;
to summarise the pilot phase key learnings used for the project’s further exploitation & impact.
The overall objective of WP7 is to disseminate, communicate and create awareness to relevant and interested stakeholders to the ReInHerit project.
As the HO, the BoCCF will promote the dissemination of the results and findings of the project through a conference, with sessions open to the public, on the evolution of preservation and conservation and its significance for our contemporary information society and on the re-invention of travel and tourism on a mainly cultural basis.
On the same line, the HO will host also a project closing event, aimed at further promoting and enriching the dissemination & further exploitation of the results of ReInHerit.
As part of the workshop’s series, the HO and the partners will also promote the dissemination of the findings of the project through both Traveling Exhibitions and Digital Exhibitions in all participating countries and several non-EU countries as pilot examples. In addition to the workshops, the exhibitions, the educational apps and games, the interactive maps and digital material such as the Best Practices Guide and the Toolkit, the results of the project will be disseminated through the regularly updated Digital Hub and press releases of the HO and other partners.
A significant aim is to fully comply with EU policies and existing improvement practices, according to which access to the study should be direct and open.
The specific objectives of this WP are:
to inform and engage all key stakeholders and target groups of the ReInHerit project (heritage professionals, policy-makers, EU public officers, industry and business representatives, academics/researchers from EU universities, and the general public) will be actively involved from the start of the project, in order to create awareness and to receive feedback from them so as to maximise the impact of the project activities and results;
to disseminate, exploit and communicate all the project’s announcements, updates and results through the Digital Hub;
to establish an open policy dialogue between museums, heritage sites, policy makers, researchers, communities (tech experts in the cultural heritage field) and general audience;
to announce and promote project events, contributing to having a large number of participants and engagement potential;
to ensure a strong online and social media presence for the project and its activities;
to draft the overall IPR strategy of the project safeguarding all issues concerning communication, innovation transfer, methodologies adopted in the project, etc.